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Introducing the NEW, Cleancrop™ Brassica Management System

The crop and weed management solution all in one!

Supplied as a complete package of seed + herbicide, Cleancrop is the simple weed management solution that combines the power of broad-spectrum herbicide Telar® and plants bred to tolerate it.

CONTROL WEEDS AND INCREASE YIELDS: Cleancrop™, available through your local accredited Rural Retailer or Agent.


How it works

Deal with weeds before they affect your crop

Only Cleancrop™ combines the power of broad spectrum herbicide Telar® and forage brassica cultivars bred to be tolerant to the sulfonylurea herbicide Telar®.  

Telar® takes care of 48 weeds at the time of sowing, freeing up moisture and nutrients to give your crop the best chance of maximising performance and delivering a superior return on your seed investment. Telar® cannot be used with conventional brassicas.

Telar® is manufactured by FMC and supplied as a package with Cleancrop™ seed by DLF Seeds.

Left: Toto turnip NO Telar®
Right: Toto turnip WITH Telar®

What do local farmers have to say?

Living up to its name: Cleancrop™ clears the way

Damien Cocker, a dairy farmer from Sheffield, Tasmania, was struggling to fill the summer feed gap.

After losing significant milk productivity from his 600 Friesian Jersey cross cattle throughout the drier months, Damien needed a long-lasting solution to address the seasonal instability.

"We’ve always grown conventional turnips, but we had to switch feed due to one of our usual herbicide options going off production" Damien explains. 

Searching for a sustainable feed bank, Damien turned to DLF Seeds, which recently introduced the Cleancrop™ Brassica System to Australian farmers – and hasn’t looked back.

Image: Cleancrop™ leafy turnip, Timboon VIC (Rodney Bakker farm)


Explore the Cleancrop™ range