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Annual Ryegrass
Annual Ryegrass

Annual ryegrass is a highly adaptable and widely used forage pasture well known for rapid growth and establishment. Sowing annual ryegrass pasture seed will provide quick feed under irrigated conditions and is highly palatable to livestock. Annual ryegrass seed is often sown for its ability to grow in a variety of soil types and climatic conditions and is an ideal forage pasture choice for quick winter feed, cattle feed, sheep feed and cow feed. Suitable for grazing, hay and silage production. DLF Seeds annual ryegrass pasture grass seeds are available from local Australian rural retailers. Implement rotational grazing for best results.


Cocksfoot is a moderately deep rooted perennial forage grass that is most suited to well drained soils and temperate regions. Sow cocksfoot pasture seed for a pasture grass with improved acidic soil tolerance over perennial ryegrass. Cocksfoot provides good forage for livestock feed and is suitable for grazing, hay and silage production. Cocksfoot is very responsive to summer rainfall and is often the first plant to have new leaves emerge. Suitable for low rainfall and dryland operations, Cocksfoot can become a drought resistant pasture grass under the correct environment and management. Implement rotational grazing for best results.  

Italian Ryegrass
Italian Ryegrass
Hybrid Ryegrass
Hybrid Ryegrass

Hybrid ryegrasses are bred from a perennial ryegrass crossed with a varying percentage of Italian ryegrass that persists longer than traditional Italian ryegrasses. Depending on conditions, a hybrid ryegrass provides more cool season growth when compared to perennial ryegrass and can persist for 2-4 years. DLF Seeds hybrid ryegrass pasture seed can be sown as a quality beef finishing and lamb finishing crop, produces high quality hay and silage and, produces high yields for quality cattle feed and sheep feed.  

Perennial Ryegrass
Perennial Ryegrass

Perennial ryegrass pasture seed produces a high performance pasture grass that can persist for 5 to 7+ years depending on climate and with rotational grazing and good management implemented. Known for its nutritional value, perennial ryegrass contains high levels of protein making it highly palatable for livestock. Sow DLF Seeds perennial ryegrass seed with AR37 endophyte for premium protection from insects. Perennial ryegrass produces quality livestock feed and is suitable forage for grazing, hay and silage production. 

Base AR37
The Australian bred perennial ryegrass for Australian conditions with proven performance across wet, dry and neutral weather patterns within dairy, sheep and beef opperations. Sow for high quality pasture seed with premium protection from insects wi...
5 years+
Very Late
A mid floweing, densely tillered, diploid perennial ryegrass offering early spring production and rust tolerance.
5 years+
Legion# AR37
 A fine leaved, high performance diploid perennial ryegrass with AR37 endophyte for premium insect protection and a +14 flowering date. Quality stock feed. 
5 years+
One50 AR37
One50 AR37 is a late heading perennial ryegrass providing outstanding dry matter production and high quality feed. Pasture seed and forage for sheep feed, cattle feed, dairy feed, hay, silage and grazing.
5 years+
Platform# AR37
A fine leaved, late heading (+12) ryegrass with low aftermath heading enabling excellent pasture utilisation and quality late into the season. Pasture seed for forage, sheep feed, cattle feed, dairy feed, hay, silage and grazing.
5 years+
Reason AR37
New high performance diploid with industry leading autumn growth, a +3 heading date and premium protection from insects with AR37 endophyte. 
5 years+
Reward Endo5
A great all-round option. Reward is very late maturing variety producing high quality feed for longer. 
5 years+
Very Late
With medium tiller density and tolerance to a wide range of insect pests, Somerset displays very good pasture persistence. 
5 years+
Three60 AR37
Thee60 AR37 is a NEW, late heading diploid providing outstanding autumn performance with late spring quality. Sow pasture seed for quality stock feed, excellent crown rust tolerance and protection from insects due to AR37 endophyte. 
5 years+
Vast AR37
A tetraploid with diploid level density and excellent rust tolerance for improved summer and autumn palatability. Quality pasture with the latest heading date of a perennial ryegrass on the market (+36 days).    
5 years+
Extremely Late

Phalaris is a deep rooted perennial grass, best suited to dryland pastoral systems. Its deep taproot system allows it to be very persistent once established. Phalaris seed is best sown into highly fertile, heavy textured and deep soils. Phalaris is more tolerant to wet soils, flooding and saline soils over other pasture grass species. Sow phalaris pasture seed for livestock feed in areas where ryegrasses do not persist. Under the correct environment and management, Phalaris can become a drought resistant pasture grass.

Prairie Grass
Prairie Grass

Prairie grass is an alternative short to long rotation pasture grass that provides high quality sheep feed and cattle feed in late summer/autumn/winter and early spring. With strong winter production, sowing prairie grass pasture seed will provide farmers with palatable livestock feed during cooler conditions, while also offering improved heat tolerance over ryegrass pasture grass. Implement rotational grazing for best results.

Tall Fescue
Tall Fescue

Tall fescue is a highly productive perennial grass featuring a deep fibrous root system that is most suited to deep, heavy, fertile soil conditions. Sow tall fescue seed for a highly productive, summer pasture that responds well to moisture in hot conditions. Tall fescue pasture grass is suitable for cattle feed, sheep feed and livestock feed in areas where ryegrasses do not persist.

Grazing Brome
Grazing Brome

Grazing brome is a perennial pasture grass species, closely related to prairie grass. It has a dense habit of fine tillers which ensures persistence in harsh environments and under heavy grazing. Performing best on well drained soils with moderate fertility, grazing brome is palatable and provides livestock feed to all stock classes. Sow brome pasture seed on farm for grazing, cattle food, sheep food, hay and silage.