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Reward Endo5

tetraploid perennial ryegrass

  • Bred for low aftermath heading
  • Excellent persistence and dry matter production
  • Endo5 endophyte for broad spectrum pest control
  • No Lolitrem B (the main toxin that causes ryegrass staggers)
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 20-30kg/ha
Rainfall: Minimum 700mm per annum
Endophytes: Endo-5
Heading Date: Very Late
Pasture Life: 5 years+
Soil Fertility: High (Olsen P 20+)
Ploidy: Tetraploid

The versatile all rounder providing increased milk production

Reward is a tetraploid perennial ryegrass with Endo5 endophyte bred with a low aftermath heading date. It is very late maturing which means high quality feed for longer, especially at times when feed is needed most.

Reward is suited to a broad range of farming systems including sheep, beef and dairy, making it a great all round option.

Sowing rate (sole): 20-30kg/ha
Sowing rate (mixed): 20-25kg/ha

Endo5 contains Ergovaline and Peramine for insect protection. It is recommended to avoid prolonged set-stocking or grazing fresh regrowth of such pastures during summer and autumn.


Minimum 700mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated

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