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Concord® II

diploid Italian ryegrass

  • ​Exceptionally fast to establish
  • Even growth over the season
  • Regrowth into the second season is very good, given favourable conditions
  • Excellent disease resistance
  • Sow with other ryegrasses and clovers to maximise forage opportunities and fix free atmospheric Nitrogen from the clovers
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 15-35kg/ha
Rainfall: Minimum 600mm per annum
Heading Date: Late - +19 days
Pasture Life: 6 mths - 2years
Soil Fertility: High (Olsen P 20+)
Ploidy: Diploid

Proven performer

Concord® II is an outstanding Italian ryegrass with exceptional speed of establishment. It delivers increased winter production and solid seasonal dry matter production with the ability to carry through to the second year where conditions allow.

Sow with other ryegrasses and clovers to maximise forage opportunities and fix free atmospheric Nitrogen from the clovers.

Sowing rate (sole): 20-35kg/ha
Sowing rate (mixed): 15-20kg/ha

Pasture Seed Breeding: Concord® II

The breeding background for Concord® II had a focus on seedling vigour which is a very important trait for the Australian environment. Seedling vigour has certainly been achieved, especially when compared against the original Concord®.

While many Italian ryegrasses sold in Australia have generally achieved good seedling vigour, the persistence has certainly been questioned by Australian farmers, however the breeding of Concord® II has demonstrated good regrowth into the second season given favourable conditions. 

Sowing & Establishment

Concord® II is a diploid, so sowing rates should be between 15-35kg/ha using Ultrastrike® seed treatment. Sow as early as possible to maximise winter feed in the first year and monitor fertility levels to optimise production.

Test the plants for anchoring approximately 40-45 days after sowing as a light grazing as early as possible will aid tillering and further root development. This will result in increasing overall productivity and the plants ability to withstand stress periods such as dry periods during the warmer months of the year.

For pasture seed sowing rates specific to your farming needs, contact your local DLF Seeds Sales Agronomist here

Grazing Management

Concord® II is best suited to rotational grazing as this allows the plant to recover as quickly as possible. Concord® II should be sown as soon as there is adequate moisture which will maximise the winter production of the product. A light grazing as soon as the plants can withstand pulling will encourage tillering as well as growth of other species such as clovers if they have been sown with Concord® II.

To get the most out of Concord® II, graze as soon as the plants have reached the third leaf growth stage to ensure that the best quality is achieved. Ensure you test the plants before allowing stock to graze the paddock otherwise this may cause significant damage to the newly sown pasture.

For best persistence and to give Concord® II every opportunity to survive into the second year, avoid hard grazing over the summer months. Concord® II can be used to increase the winter production of a pasture because of its seedling vigour and its ability to persist into a second year.

Recovery of the plants will be determined by how much residual is left after the grazing period. Avoid grazing to bare ground as this will significantly slow down recovery after grazing and will be detrimental to the overall production of the ryegrass over the growing season.

Pest and Disease Tolerance

Concord® II has been trialled and screened for rust during the selection process. To ensure that Concord® II is protected from insect attack at the early establishment stage, Ultrastrike® seed treatment is recommended. Ultrastrike® seed treatment offers protection against some of the common pasture pests such as Red Legged Earth Mite and Blue Oat mite. The protection is only for 6 weeks, so it is still important to monitor the pasture and especially soon after sowing so that any management requirements are implemented as soon as necessary.


Minimum 600mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated

2025 Product Guide
Everything you need to know about high quality, leading forage seed varieties for spring, summer, autumn & winter feed.