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Corson Maize

  • Very early maturity dual-purpose hybrid
  • Excellent yield stability
  • Large bulky plant with excellent early growth
  • Very good stalk and root strength
  • Girthy well filled ears packed with large excellent test weight kernel
  • Maize silage CRM 81 and grain CRM 88
Corson Maize Booster
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 95000 - 110,000/ha
Growing Seasons: Spring, Summer
Rainfall: Minimum 800mm per annum
Pasture Life: Annual
Soil Fertility: High (Olsen P 20+)

Early maturing, dual purpose hybrid

Booster is a very early dual-purpose hybrid suitable for regions where an exceptionally high yielding, early maturing maize hybrid is desired. Featuring fantastic standability and good late season plant health. Booster’s yield stability provides a solid platform for silage and grain growers. High yield potential and consistency combined with a very good agronomic profile, make Booster the hybrid of choice in the “very early” maize market.

Hybrid traits

Booster Corson Maize traits
All ratings are not comparable to any other companies’ ratings and are based on observations by Corson Maize staff. Data sourced from NZ.

Booster and the Australian market

Booster is a new variety sourced out of New Zealand. In the Australian environment, Booster is suited to double cropping situations in NSW and QLD and provides earlier access to maize silage. Booster also fits perfectly into the shorter growing season of Western Vic and Tasmania. Shorting growing season hybrids like Booster, have the advantage of contributing outstanding yields and a high grain content for silage but at the same time, are harvested 2-3 weeks earlier than longer hybrids. This trait is especially important for Western Vic and Tasmania when soil temps are dropping fast in autumn, and farmers sow perennial pastures after maize.


Minimum 800mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated

What Our Customers Say
  • "

    The yield I've achieved with Booster is a game changer. Last season I harvested around 19 tonnes per hectare, which delivered stable feed and security. I wasn't sure what to expect when testing Booster, but the test results spoke for themselves, and it has become an essential part of my silage production system.

    Alan Olsen - Stony Creek (2023) - VIC
2025 Product Guide
Everything you need to know about high quality, leading forage seed varieties for spring, summer, autumn & winter feed.