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Mohaka AR37

tetraploid hybrid ryegrass

  • Better cool season growth than perennial ryegrass
  • Late flowering date delivering late spring quality
  • Very high rust tolerance
  • Excellent tiller density for a tetraploid
  • Genuine oversowing option due to high establishment vigour
  • Avoid hard set stocking during dry periods
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 15-30kg/ha
Rainfall: Minimum 600mm per annum
Endophytes: AR37
Heading Date: Late - +20 heading date
Ploidy: Tetraploid

A high peformance pasture

This broad leaved, densely tillered tetraploid hybrid ryegrass has superior cool season productivity when compared to its predecessor, Ohau, due to its higher percentage of Italian ryegrass parentage. In commercial trials, Mohaka has exhibited additional growth throughout the growing season compared to similar types and with AR37 endophyte, it is likely to persist for multiple years (2-4) when grown in favourable conditions.

Mohaka has a +20 flowering date that will push quality late into the spring. Mohaka’s excellent rust tolerance and tiller density will see it become favoured by Australian farmers. Mohaka can be used as a multi-year Italian ryegrass. Its fast establishment and seedling vigour makes it a successful oversowing option into existing perennial ryegrass paddocks that are starting to thin.

Pasture seed sowing rate (sole): 20-30kg/ha
Pasture seed sowing rate (mixed): 15-25kg/ha

AR37 endophyte takes ryegrass pasture persistence and protection to a premium level.

An endophyte is a fungus found naturally in many grass species, including ryegrass. It provides the plant with protection from insects, and in return the plant provides the endophyte with a place to live and reproduce.

Pests controlled: Argentine Stem Weevil Larvae, Pasture Mealy Bug, Adult Black Beetle and Root Aphid.

Endophyte: See here for important information on insect control and animal safety

Mohaka AR37 dairy cow

Superior cool season growth and persistence

Mohaka has shown better cool season growth compared to perennial ryegrass

Mohaka AR37 has high yields and maintains ground cover, helping to maintain stand integrity, production and weed suppression throughout its stand life. AR37 endophyte keeps key pasture pests at bay, allowing Mohaka to outlast and out perform other hybrids on the market. Mohaka AR37 has a good fit where Italian ryegrass can be stretched to 4 years, without compromising 1st year yield. Mohaka also offers a significant increase in first year production compared to perennial ryegrass in environments where perennials are only lasting 5-7+ years anyway.

Genuine oversowing option

Mohaka can be used as a multi year Italian ryegrass. Its fast establishment and seedling vigour makes it a successful oversowing option into existing perennial ryegrass paddocks that are starting to thin. It fits into farms where a 2-4 year grass rotation is required and will be a great companion grass to Ecotain® environmental plantainChoice chicory and Relish® red clover.


Minimum 600mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated

What Our Customers Say
  • "

    We have been really happy with the Mohaka AR37. We had a 3 year old Mohaka paddock that was heavily stocked during spring/summer 2022 that self-seeded in summer and re-germinated in Autum 2023. We were going to spray out, but we had a heap of steers coming on and needed the feed as seasonal conditions got tough with a lack of rain, so we left it. It responded with little rain and produced a good bulk of feed and got us out of a tight spot. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made all year.

    Mark Whyte - North of Glen Innes - VIC
NZPBRA endophyte insect control and effects on animal safety
Download for Information on insect control and animal safety. Tables approved by the NZPBRA Executive (September 2024).
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