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  • Autumn home grown feed


For international exports, DLF Seeds operates as PGG Wrightson Seeds.

PGG Wrightson Seeds produces, markets and exports seed to customers throughout the Middle East, South America, USA, Europe, Asia and the Pacific. We have a full portfolio of proprietary and commodity Seed that has been bred and adapted to your climate and conditions.  

With production bases in all parts of Australia, we offer a full range of temperate, sub tropical and tropical species available for export. Our seed processing facilities are located in the main seed production areas and our warehouses are located close to major export ports allowing seed to be shipped as your requirements demand. We offer a full service from production, processing and shipping allowing us to be in control of the goods to ensure they arrive on time and in full.

We have a full portfolio of:

  • Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa)
  • Clover (Trifolium)
  • Vetch (Vicia)
  • Ryegrass (Lolium)
  • Chicory (Cichorium intybus)
  • Rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana)
  • Lab Lab (Lablab purpureus)

For more information on export opportunities contact:

Daniel Steadman
International Trading Manager – Australia
PGG Wrightson Seeds Ltd
Phone: +61 3 8379 7429
Mobile: +61 408 838 687