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Animal performance trial result: Independent on farm demonstration, Hamilton Victoria (sheep feed)

The advantage of sowing Base AR37 perennial ryegrass seed over Victorian rygrass with standard endophyte (SE)

Republish date: 2025

In 2016 a demonstration commenced on a property located near Hamilton (‘Wexford’), owned by Tony Fleetwood. The aim was to evaluate lamb and ewe performance on two different perennial ryegrasses. These were Base AR37 (a late heading tetraploid containing AR37 endophyte) and Victorian ryegrass (an early heading diploid containing Standard endophyte).

This forage seed trial was independently managed by Andrew Speirs, a consultant with Meridian Agriculture.


  • For persistence, Base AR37 stretched the lead in 2020 with Base AR37 at 81.3% and Victorian SE at 65.3%.
  • In 2021 Base AR37 maintained high plant numbers with a persistence score of 87.5%. Victorian SE recovered to 72.80% with seedling recruitment.
  • By autumn 2021 Base AR37 had persisted for 5 years, out producing Victorian SE every year with an overall advantage of $606/ha/year.
  • In 2018 and 2019, both cultivars maintained very good plant numbers. In 2020 however, Victorian ryegrass reduced significantly - notably showing areas of winter grass.
  • Importantly in 2020/2021, Base AR37 had a higher persistence count compared to Victorian SE under set stocking conditions and higher stocking rates. Debunking the popular belief that traditional perennial ryegrasses persist better than modern varieties during tough seasons. (See figure 3 and 4).

Benefits of Base AR37 over Victorian ryegrass (SE)

  • Increased gross profit and liveweight gain per hectare from lambs.
  • Increased persistence after five years as a result of AR37 endophyte.
  • Added palatability of a late heading tetraploid ryegrass leading to higher weight gains.
  • Higher autumn/winter grass production enabled higher stocking rates of ewes resulting in more lambs being turned off per hectare.
  • The ability of Base AR37 to maintain its feed quality longer at the end of season led to higher liveweight gains in lambs, well into December.
  • Base AR37 produces more dry matter and this dry matter is distributed more evenly across the year, making Base AR37 easier to manage compared to Victorian SE.
  • Ewes had improved body condition scores with Base AR37 in comparison to Victorian SE.

There is a common misconception that Victorian SE persists in years with low rainfall in comparison to modern perennial ryegrass pastures. This graph shows Base AR37 showing a stronger persistence into year four in comparison to Victorian SE, despite a dry year in 2019.

  • In years 2 - 3 both cultivars maintained very good plant numbers but by different methods. Victorian SE by seedling recruitment and Base AR37 by established plant survival.
  • The Base AR37 paddock wasn't allowed to seed as the improved palatability increased the relative grazing pressure, whereas animals refused to eat Victorian SE when it went to seed, allowing it to set seed and survive that way.

*2021 rainfall. Measurements ended November 2021.

Get in touch

For more information on Base AR37 tetraploid perennial ryegrass seed, reach out to your local DLF Seeds Sales Agronomist here.