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  • Pallaton raphno DLF Seeds


Sow Pallaton Raphno® to complement your dual purpose canola system

Published: February 2023

Take the opportunity this autumn to grow high quality feed with autumn sown Pallaton Raphno® to complement your dual purpose canola crop.

Sow Pallaton and take your brassica lamb/beef finishing operation to the next level and increase your live weight production per hectare Pallaton is a new brassica species (a forage radish kale cross) that is designed to increase your livestock production per hectare and produce out of season feed with its large taproot system and drought tolerance. It's designed for animal grazing, and in this respect is not dissimilar to dual purpose canola.

Pallaton Raphno, Reedy Creek SA

When cereals and canola are locked up and unavailable for grazing, autumn sown Pallaton can produce high quality feed for multiple grazings (increase in ME and crude protein compared to cereals).

A recent paper published by the CSIRO discussing "The potential of forage brassicas to produce herbage for mixed farming systems" identified that forage brassicas can be used as an alternative for dual purpose canola in the mixed farming zone. 

Pallaton provides farmers with an alternative to/complement dual purpose canola and cereals providing

  • high biomass production from multiple grazings
  • a filler for feed gaps in early spring
  • altered herbicide use
  • a wider grazing window
Autumn sown Pallaton provides farmers with the opportunity to sow in warm soil temperatures, takes the pressure off pastures in cooler conditions and fills a feed gap in the early spring months. Nigel Roberts from Dunbogan Merino Stud has benefited from both autumn sown and spring sown Pallaton. When discussing autumn sown Pallaton, he stated 

"I sowed in the middle of February (2021) and was grazing by the start of April which filled a feed gap. Autumn sowing is very successful and has really enabled us to grow big amounts of feed quickly when soil temperatures are up. Once grazing canolas are locked up, I have had another 2-3 grazings off Pallaton by December. That's what sets Pallaton apart; quality feed that keeps on going."

With ideal conditions and by following recommended management Pallaton may help experienced brassica growers achieve 5+ grazings.

What to know more?

For more information on autumn sown Pallaton and to find out if its right for your operation, contact your local DLF Seeds Sales Agronomist today.

Available through your local accredited rural retailer only.