Mainstar is a short type forage rape that has excellent regrowth potential after grazing, giving it the ability to respond to moisture after long periods of summer dry. It has increased forage yields over other short type forage rapes. Animal testing during the breeding process found Mainstar to have a higher leaf percentage and superior animal preference over other short type forage rapes.
Pasture seed sowing rate (sole): 3-4kg/ha
Pasture seed sowing rate (mixed): 1-2kg/ha
Young prime lamb finishing in early summer
Feed for post weaning period, where feed demands increase at a time when pasture declines.
Summer feed for all stock classes
Provides feed at times when pasture quality is low and moisture levels are impacting pasture growth rates. Mainstar can be an alternative feed source when stock are having animal health issues related to endophyte (SE) effects, worms, facial eczema etc.
Autumn feed
To support an increased stocking rate, as required when paddocks are removed for pasture renewal.
Trial work has been conducted in Australia and NZ over multiple low rainfall sites (Lincoln, Wairarapa, Hawkes Bay and Ballarat) comparing short type forage rapes like Mainstar and Winfred to tall type cultivars like Greenland. There is considerable variation between forage rape cultivars in the relative proportion of stem and leaf.
Figure 3 illustrates the differences between Mainstar and other varieties in showing it has over 70% of total yield as leaf and less than 30% of total yield as stem. This is one of the reasons stock show grazing preference to Mainstar over other varieties.
Minimum 500mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated