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red clover

  • Highly persistent within grazing systems
  • High yield potential over time
  • Semi-prostrate growth habit
  • Low levels of formononetin (oestrogen)
Relish Red Clover is a new high yielding variety displaying improved persistence under grazing due to its semi prostrate growth habit. Relish has low levels of oestrogen making it suitable to be used in all classes of  livestock, in both pasture mixes and in pure stands. Highly recommended under intensive finishing systems and can potentially be an alternative to forage brassica's and Lucerne.
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 4-10kg/ha
Rainfall: Minimum 700mm per annum
Pasture Life: 5 years+
Soil Fertility: High (Olsen P 20+)

Early spring production

Relish® perennial red clover offers strong persistence within grazing systems, high yields and a semi prostrate growth habit. Highly productive in early spring, Relish® contains low levels of formononetin (oestrogen), making it suitable as a lambing forage and provides farmers with high quality grazing, hay or silage.

Sowing rate (sole): 6-10kg/ha
Sowing rate (mixed): 4-6kg/ha


Minimum 700mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated

2024 Product Guide
Everything you need to know about high quality, leading forage seed varieties for spring, summer, autumn & winter feed.