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subterranean clover

  • High dry matter production during autumn and winter
  • Excellent seed set for increased persistence
  • Significantly higher winter production than Seaton Park
  • Ideally sown as part of a perennial pasture mix with grasses
  • Although Bindoon has Red Legged Earth Mite resistance, it is important to monitor the pasture for pest pressure to maximise establishment
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 6-20kg/ha
Rainfall: Minimum 500mm per annum
Grazing Management Method: Rotational Grazed – Medium Term
Heading Date: Mid
Pasture Life: 5 years+

Highly persistent with Red Legged Earth Mite resistance

Bindoon offers the benefits of Red Legged Earth Mite resistance combined with highly productive mid season growth. Bindoon is suited to a wide range of environments where sub clover is the base of a perennial pasture system. Red Legged Earth Mite resistance significantly increases the autumn and winter production as well as increases seed set which greatly enhances long term persistence. 

Pasture seed sowing rate (sole): 10-20kg/ha
Pasture seed sowing rate (mixed): 6-10kg/ha

Sowing and Establishment

Bindoon sub clover pasture seed should be sown at 4-6 kg/ha in pasture mixes Superstrike® treated to ensure successful establishment. When sowing a specialist Bindoon sub clover stand for hay or grazing, a sowing rate of 8-12 kg/ha should be used.

Bindoon is compatible with most perennial pasture grasses and performs well in a mixture with cocksfoot, phalaris, tall fescue or perennial ryegrass. After sowing, there should be only light grazing or none at all until seedlings are firmly established and cannot be pulled out or trampled by stock. This is usually about six weeks after germination.

For pasture seed sowing rates specific to your farming needs, contact your local DLF Seeds Sales Agronomist here

Grazing Management

During its early stages of development, Bindoon sub clover should not be heavily grazed, however once mature, the stocking rates can be increased. As with all sub clovers, grazing up to flowering will improve seed set. Once flowering begins, stocking rates should be reduced to allow for maximum seed production.


Minimum 500mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated

2025 Product Guide
Everything you need to know about high quality, leading forage seed varieties for spring, summer, autumn & winter feed.