Brace white clover is a large leaved, high production white clover that complements high yielding grass pastures due to its upright and vigorous growth habit.
Bred to produce within a competitive sward and under grazing pressure; Brace produces reliable, quality feed for beef sheep and dairy operations (including stock finishing). With new generation genetics, Brace is a high performance perennial legume that is adaptable to today’s variable climate pressures.
Sow Brace in areas with high soil fertility for year round feed, quality grazing, hay and silage.
Sowing rate (mixed): 2-5kg/ha
The advantage of using Three60 AR37 + Brace is seen with the increase in accumulated dry matter production over Three60 AR37 (diploid perennial ryegrass) without clover.
Trial note: Clover advantage trial sown on 21/4/23, trial was topped and fertilised with Nitrogen until the first cut on 9/10/23. Replacement P, K, S applied after each cut, Nitrogen applied.
Three60 AR37 is a new late flowering high performance diploid perennial ryegrass. Bred for very high dry matter production, spring quality with outstanding summer and autumn production. Three60 AR37 complements Brace’s growth curve.
Brace is a NEW large-leaved white clover that was selected for its high performance after extensive evaluation within dairy environments. Brace was selected as a Mainstay replacement out of a DSIR/AgResearch Grasslands white clover breeding programme (who are know for bringing high value varieties to farming regions across temperate Australia).
Over the last 2-3 decades, Australian farmers and DSIR/AgResearch Grasslands have experienced...
As a result of these pressures, white clover parents, with a broad genetic background (including ecotypes), were combined to produce Brace.
As white clover seeds are extremely small (0.7g/1000 seeds), it’s best practice to broadcast sow seeds at a maximum depth of 1cm. To ensure a successful establishment, sow Superstrike® treated Brace seeds at a high sowing rate of at least 2-5kg/ha.
For best performance, rotationally graze Brace and avoid set stocking and high pasture covers as shading can occur over 2500kgDM/ha. During establishment, graze early when clovers have at least 3-5 trifoliate leaves as this will allow light to reach seedling clovers. If mixed with grass, ensure grass can withstand the pull test before grazing.
For clover seed sowing rates specific to your farming needs, contact your local DLF Seeds Sales Agronomist here.
Minimum 700mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated