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Mekong™ Briz antha


  • Adapted to a wide range of soil types
  • Aggressive against weeds
  • High dry matter production
  • Persistent under intensive grazing
  • Strong compatibility with tropical grasses and legumes
  • Tolerant to periods of waterlogging
Mekong™ Briz antha DLF Seeds
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 3-10kg/ha
Growing Seasons: Autumn, Spring, Summer
Rainfall: Minimum 500mm per annum
Grazing Management Method: Rotational Grazed – Long Term
Pasture Life: 5 years+
Soil Fertility: High (Olsen P 20+)

Late flowering with outstanding dry matter production 

Mekong Briz antha brachiaria provides up to 8-9 months of vegetative growth due to late flowering/only flowering once a year. It is tolerant of short-term flooding and waterlogging as well as salinity and acidic soils. Featuring a tall growth habit, Mekong can provide quality hay and dry matter production. Mekong is highly palatable and persistent under heavy grazing during the wet season and can provide good growth through the dry season.

Sowing rate (sole): 8-10kg/ha
Sowing rate (mixed): 3-5kg/ha


Mekong™ brachiaria is a highly adaptable plant growing on a wide range of soils (well drained – heavy) with a pH of 4–8.  Mekong™ can tolerate high aluminium concentrations found on soils below pH 5.5. It can survive on soils of low fertility but requires medium to high soil fertility to be productive and perform. 


Mekong™ is suited to the humid and sub-humid tropics with 1500 – 3,500 mm average annual rainfall but will also grow in the more arid regions of the tropics with rainfall down to 500mm. Mekong™ can withstand dry periods of 3–6 months, during which the leaf may remain green when other tropical species have browned off.  It can withstand short term flooding (<1 month).

Sowing and establishment

Mekong™ brachiaria pasture seed should be broadcast at 3–5 kg/ha within a mixed pasture or at 8-10kg/ha as a sole pasture. Sow pasture seed into a well worked firm seedbed and then lightly roll to improve seed to soil contact. Prior to planting a well-rounded basal fertiliser should be applied according to soil test recommendations. Once established Mekong™ is very responsive to nitrogen fertiliser with fast growth rates. 

Agronomic production

Mekong’s™ dry matter yields range from 8-20 tDM/ha/year and it has good persistence if fertilised well. Typical nutritive values are dependent on the fertility of the soil, fertiliser application, and regrowth age. Crude protein can range from 7–16% and digestibility 51–75%.   Digestibility of regrowth can decline from 75% at 2 weeks to 55% at 12 weeks.

Grazing management

Mekong™ performs better under intensive grazing practices due to its prolific growth characteristics. It can support high stocking rates and when grazed well, Mekong™ is well accepted by stock.

Animal production

When sown on medium fertility soils, Mekong™ brachiaria can support cattle liveweight gains of 400–500 kg/ha/yr at stocking rates of 2.5 steers/ha in the wet season and 1.5 in the dry season. When grown with legumes Mekong™ could potentially be stocked at 3 animals/ha where LWG’s of 540–840 kg/ha have been recorded.

Envirogro® seed treatment process 

The Envirogro® seed treatment process is now a tailored seed treatment offering to aid in the establishment and productivity of tropical and subtropical seed varieties. Envirogro is a species-dependent, tailored process that produces the highest quality tropical and subtropical seed through improved seed cleaning, seed dehulling/scarification (where the species requires it) and a customised coating process to improve live seed numbers per hectare.

Envirogro benefits

  • Improves seed flowability and ballistic properties
  • Improves seed quality and purity for a higher return on investment
  • Produces a clean, uniform seed
  • Removes weed seed, waste material and contaminants
  • Increases bare seed counts through improved cleaning
  • Coated with insecticide, polymer and talc/lime (no Rhizobia inoculant applied to tropical legumes)


Minimum 500mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated

2024 Tropical, Subtropical Guide
This DLF Seeds Guide features product information and management advice about DLF Seeds tropical and subtropical varieties, Envirogro® seed treatment and more.