Jarra grass produces a soft quality pasture ideal for hay and northern beef production. An upright, true tropical perennial that will provide high quality feed for a 5-6 month period within a 2 year rotation.
Jarra grass can also be utilised as a break crop between bananas to disrupt the life cycle of the burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis) and as ground cover for erosion control. Growth of Jarra grass is restricted to warmer months of the year with moderate production either side of summer.
Jarra grass can be grazed out if not managed well.
Pasture seed sowing rate: 2-10kg/ha
Jarra is highly adaptable to a wide range of soil types, but is most commonly sown into lighter soils such as sands, sandy loam, loams and clay loams. Jarra is rarely sown into heavy black clays (vertisols) and is not suited to waterlogged soils. Jarra thrives in soil with a pH of 4.5-8.5 and can survive under low fertility conditions, and will respond to improved fertility and nitrogen applications
Jarra grows in environments with an annual rainfall from 800 to 1,700 mm p.a and will produce 5‒6 months of growth.
Sow pasture seed at 6-10 kg/ha depending on seedbed preparation and intended use. Ensure good seed to soil contact is obtained through seedbed preparation. Envirogro treat pasture seed to ensure a successful germination of Jarra. For production in less fertile soils, provide Jarra with at least 100kg/ha/yr of nitrogen.
Correct any phosphate deficiencies before sowing to ensure a response to nitrogen when applied. On less fertile soils, sow seed with 10‒20 kg/ha P, with annual maintenance applications of 5‒10 kg/ha P. Potassium may be required on some soils where soil analysis or plant symptoms indicate deficiency.
Jarra grass can yield up to 30 tDM/ha/yr depending on fertiliser application and growing conditions. Nutritional value depends on soil fertility and age of growth. Protein levels range from 8 to >12%. Crude protein digestibility in hay is approximately 55%.
Jarra is suited to rotational grazing and is an ideal species for high quality hay production. For ease of grazing management, sow Jarra as a pure sward due to its high palatability. In mixed swards, Jarra struggles to persist as stock may preferentially graze it over other varieties in the sward.
The Envirogro seed treatment process gives DLF Seeds tropical and subtropical pasture seed varieties a better start. Envirogro is a tailored process, that cleans, treats, and improves the bare seed count and purity of tropical, subtropical grasses and legumes.
If the species requires, the bare seed is taken through a process of de-hulling leaving only the caryopses, before being coated and cleaned again to achieve high purity.
Envirogro benefits
Click here for more information on the Envirogro seed treatment process
Minimum 800mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated