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Rhodes grass

  • Well adapted to a wide range of soils
  • Produces high quality hay
  • Easily established with rapid growth in mixes
  • Some tolerance to saline conditions
  • Superior water use efficiency
  • Improves organic matter levels and restores soil structure
Katambora Rhodes grass
Suitable For

Sowing Rate: 1-15 kg/ha
Growing Seasons: Autumn, Spring, Summer
Rainfall: Minimum 500mm per annum
Grazing Seasons: Autumn, Spring, Summer
Pasture Life: 5 years+
Soil Fertility: Medium (Olsen P 15-20)

Versatile perennial for quality hay and forage

Katambora Rhodes grass is a versatile subtropical perennial that is adapted to a wide range of soil types and can produce high quality forage and hay (if cut at the right time). In a grass or legume mix, Katambora Rhodes displays rapid growth in both irrigated and dryland systems, displaying superior water use efficiency compared with other subtropical varieties. Use as a permanent pasture or annual forage.

In regions with extremely cold winters or long dry seasons, Katambora Rhodes grass can act as an annual and be used for erosion control. Due to its growth habit, Katambora Rhodes can restore soil structure, improve organic matter levels and reduce nematode numbers.

Pasture seed sowing rate: 1-15kg/ha


Katambora Rhodes grass is well adapted to a wide range of well drained soils but prefers well-structured loams and clays of volcanic origin with a soil pH between 5-7. Provided fertility is adequate, Katambora Rhodes grass grows on most well drained soils, except very heavy clays.

It is very tolerant of high soil sodium levels and responds to phosphorus in poorer soils. When up to 300 kg/ha of Nitrogen is applied, a linear yield and crude protein response is seen, as long as other nutrients are adequately supplied.  For a more economical response, split applications of Nitrogen to 50‒100 kg/ha N.


Sow Katambora Rhodes grass seed in areas that experience between 650mm and 1500mm rainfall per annum. Although a drought tolerant variety, the drought tolerance varies depending on soil type and Katambora Rhodes grass generally doesn’t tolerate dry periods longer than 4 to 5 months.

Sow in irrigated pastures, particularly where irrigation water may be too saline for other species. Katambora Rhodes grass is tolerant of short-term flooding by moving water.

Sowing and establishment

Katambora Rhodes grass is very easily established as a pure sward sow at rates between 10-15kg/ha. When sowing in a mixed pasture sward, sow Envirogro® treated Katambora Rhodes grass pasture seed between 3-5 kg/ha. Seed is best sown on the surface (and no deeper than 2 cm) of a well-prepared seedbed, followed by rolling. Pasture seed can germinate in 1‒7 days, and seedlings develop rapidly.

Katambora Rhodes grass responds to phosphorus in poorer soils. Use an establishment application of 200 - 300 kg/ha of superphosphate on less fertile soils, or if applicable 100-150kg/ha DAP when drilling. Applying Nitrogen at 46kgN/ha at 4-6 weeks after sowing in pure stands will encourage tillering and rapid establishment. 

Agronomic performance

Katambora Rhodes is an extremely high producing grass if supplied with sufficient nutrients. Annual dry matter yields can range from 10‒25 t/ha, depending on soil fertility, environmental conditions and cutting/grazing management. Yields in the second year may be double those of the establishment year depending on management and environmental conditions.

Grazing management

To maximise production and maintain maximum quality of Katambora Rhodes grass, regular defoliation is needed. Young growth is very palatable, but after the plants have seeded they are less palatable. Katambora Rhodes grass is very tolerant of cutting or grazing and to maintain in a leafy condition should be cut on a regular basis. Too frequent cutting or grazing, such as every 14 days, leads to production losses and stand decline.

Grazing heavily in later summer will encourage winter legume growth. If managed well and cut before flowering with regular fertiliser applications (N), Katambora Rhodes grass can produce up to 6 cuts per year at 25-50 day recovery periods.

Animal production

When managed well and grazed regularly Katambora Rhodes grass can potentially support 1‒4 head/ha depending on pasture productivity and soil fertility.  Annual liveweight gains of up to 160 kg/head/yr and 850 kg/ha/yr are achievable.  To increase animal production potential per hectare, add legumes and apply regular Nitrogen applications. 

Nutritive values vary depending on age of plant material and level of available Nitrogen. Crude protein levels can range from 17% in very young leaf to 3% in old leaves, showing the importance of regular grazing and fertiliser applications.

Envirogro seed treatment

The Envirogro® seed treatment process is now a tailored seed treatment offering to aid in the establishment and productivity of tropical and subtropical seed varieties. Envirogro is a species-dependent, tailored process that produces the highest quality tropical and subtropical seed through improved seed cleaning, seed dehulling/scarification (where the species requires it) and a customised coating process to improve live seed numbers per hectare.

Envirogro benefits
• Improves seed flowability and ballistic properties
• Improves seed quality and purity for a higher return on investment
• Produces a clean, uniform seed
• Removes weed seed, waste material and contaminants
• Increases bare seed counts through improved cleaning
• Coated with insecticide, polymer and talc/lime (no Rhizobia inoculant applied to tropical legumes)



Minimum 500mm rainfall per annum unless irrigated

2024 Tropical, Subtropical Guide
This DLF Seeds Guide features product information and management advice about DLF Seeds tropical and subtropical varieties, Envirogro® seed treatment and more.