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  • Examining the roots of a brassica crop

Programmed Approach to Pasture Renewal

Step 7

Manage brassica crop effectively

  • Keeping brassica crops clean and weed-free will improve yields and remove the possibility of grass weeds seeding over summer and invading new perennial pastures. “A common reason for farmer dissatisfaction with new pasture performance is the rapid reinvasion of the original pasture weeds” (Lane, et al. 2009).
  • Selective grass herbicides such as Haloxyfop and Clethodim for grass weed control ensure that seeding of grass weeds doesn't occur. Therefore, reducing the potential for weeds in the new pasture.
  • Using selective broadleaf herbicides will reduce competition from weeds and potentially increase the yield of the brassica crop. Weeds compete for light, moisture, and nutrients, and will affect pastures. If weeds are not controlled, these will affect pasture establishment and persistence of a perennial pasture going forward.
  • Monitor the brassica crop for insect pests and apply appropriate insecticides (always follow the label and grazing withholding restrictions).
  • Apply nitrogen before canopy closure and close to rainfall events throughout the growing season. Growing feed through the summer months is extremely valuable. As such, any moisture available must be converted into dry matter. Brassicas are also the cheapest form of feed compared to hay and grain, allowing the farmer to maximise their farming operation with homegrown feed.
  • Graze the brassica crop and follow best practice management specific to your stock class. Ensure animals are transitioned over a 10- to 14-day period and have access to fibre and water.
  • For more information, please refer to the DLF Seeds advice for managing brassicas.