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  • Brassica crop with farmer driving a side-by-side vehicle on horizon

Programmed Approach to Pasture Renewal

Step 5

Spray out annual ryegrass with glyphosate + insecticide in spring

  • Spray out annual ryegrass with glyphosate + insecticide in spring to ensure the summer crop is planted into good moisture.
  • This will provide excellent control of annual and perennial weeds and conserve moisture for the following brassica crop.
  • Controlling all grasses in the paddock eliminates any wild type endophyte present
  • Apply an insecticide with glyphosate if direct drilling, this will lower insect populations such as Nysius and Springtails (always follow chemical withholding periods)
Ascend annual ryegrass is sprayed out by a spray truck, before a spring brassica crop is sown
Ascend annual ryegrass is sprayed out before sowing a spring brassica crop